Makers - are you ready for the holiday sales season?


Whether it’s your first or your fifteenth holiday season, it’s time to get prepared for the busiest sales period of the year.

Are you ready for it?

If you want to ensure you have your BEST holiday season ever, you’ve gotta make sure you’ve got all your ducks in a row so you don’t crash and burn during this stressful time!

Join us for the Holiday Prep Challenge!


Over 7 days, we’ll be working through all the crucial steps you need to take to ensure you have a successful (and smooth) holiday sales season.

The Challenge is happening inside the Thriver Circle - the community for makers who want to craft a thriving and profitable handmade business.

Every day throughout the challenge, I'll post a prompt for you to follow in our private Facebook community, and give you tips on how to achieve that day's goal.

By the end of the challenge, you'll be completely organised for the holiday season, and you'll feel calm, confident, and in control!

Join the Circle NOW to participate in the 7-Day Holiday Prep Challenge!

It’s happening from October 9th to 15th.