Hey Thriver,

I know you want a successful handmade business - that's why you're here, reading this blog post.

You'll know - deep down - when you're finally ready to really *commit* to making your handmade business dream a reality.

That deep, profound 'yes!' that will drive you to do the work that will make it happen.

The power of making this commitment is immense.

And when you're ready? You'll need the tools, knowledge, and guidance to back up that decision, so you're not left floundering in the dark, making easily avoidable mistakes.

It can take YEARS to set up and grow a business to the point where you're making even a little bit of money - let alone a successful part or full-time living.

How much faster would your business grow if you could learn from someone who has spent the last 10 years running their own successful handmade business?

Well, lucky for you... that's me 🙂

I've not only made over 5,000 sales & hundreds of thousands of dollars from my own handmade business since starting it as a hobby in 2008, I'm also a qualified teacher. 

And I haven't given up my handmade business to just teach - I'm still running my business every day, just like you. That means I'm always learning more, staying abreast of what's happening in the handmade industry... and passing this knowledge on to my students.

I don't share this info to brag in any way - but to show you that I KNOW what I'm talking about from true lived experience.

Teaching this knowledge to others - just like you - is my passion.

I've been helping makers to successfully grow their businesses for many years via my blog and podcast Create & Thrive.

But in 2015, I started something new. I saw a need for a private, supportive online community for makers.

A place where we can learn from each other - a place where I could teach you everything I've learned (the hard way) so you can cut down the learning curve and find success sooner.

It's called The Thriver Circle.

It's a community and an educational resource for makers who are ready to turn their business dream into a reality.

In the Circle, I share my best stuff - the in-depth information you need to know to make your business a success - in the form of video workshops, courses, and members-only podcast episodes.

Is it time for you to make a commitment to success?

Click here to join our amazing, supportive community of makers (there are over 450 fellow makers in the Circle!).

Membership is super-affordable, and is paid month-to-month. There's no minimum commitment, no lock-in. You can sign up and try it for a month - no stress, no worries. And you can leave at any time.

Best of all? Membership is just $15 per month.

I guarantee you will not find another resource out there for makers that has anywhere near the value for money that the Circle provides.

But, don't just take my word for it. 🙂

Here's what just a few of our members have to say about their experience:

"Joining the Thriver Circle has been a real turning point in the development of my business.

I've gained so much insight in the few months I've been a member and love the support and encouragement from the group.

I would recommend it to anyone just starting out or who has been in business for a while as there is always something new to learn and a direction to grow in."

~ Tamsyn Simmonds

"I'm so glad I joined the Thriver Circle.

I figured I'd join and see what it was all about and probably cancel after a month or two. Once I started getting involved though, I decided it was well worth staying on. Not only is Jess a wealth of knowledge, the suggestions and support from the other Thrivers is invaluable.

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend joining the Circle to anyone running (or wanting to run) their own crafting business."

~ Sarina Cunningham

"Great information! It's so obvious how much work and research you put into your Podcasts and Workshops.

I've actually unsubscribed to all my other similar groups and just do the Thriver Circle now."

~ Elise Butler

Are you ready to make your handmade business thrive?