Kimberli Arnold



Kimberli Arnold

Business Name Barefoot Studios Ok, LLC
Business Website Barefoot Studios Ok, LLC
What do you make? Invitations for all occasions, Wall art, Party Decor, cards, Business Cards and Logo's.
Country United States
City, State Tecumseh
Social Media Links
More About Me Wife, mom of 5, and Nene to 6 (7th due in April). We live on 20 acres in beautiful Oklahoma. I have always been a crafter, started out in the scrapbooking craze, handmade cards, had a small quilting business, then photography. Now I have found my passion.. I love parties, weddings, any occasion to celebrate, so creating items to help make the details perfect... I'm loving it!
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: Not sure that I am an expert in any one area, I am mostly self taught, if I want to know how to do something, I don't stop until I learn all that I can. I suppose my expertise would be in knowing a little about photography, digital design, and social media.