Jennifer Berkowitz



Jennifer Berkowitz

Business Name BellaBeenieBags
Business Website
What do you make? I crochet all sorts of items, but mostly hats, scarves, gloves and bags right now.
Country United States
City, State New York, New York
Social Media Links
More About Me I started crocheting beanies in 2013 as a way to unwind (no pun intended) at night from a very hectic job. At first it would take me days to finish a beanie, but as I perfected the pattern it started to take only a couple of hours. This meant I was crocheting more beanies than I could wear on my one head! Eventually I branched out into other wearable items such as scarves, gloves and bags (which are actually my favorite things to crochet).

Now with such a wide variety of hand-crafted beanies and bags, I thought it would be a good time to open up an Etsy shop to peddle my wares. The name BellaBeenieBags is inspired by my adorable chihuahua Bella, affectionately known to all as Bella Bee.
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: In a former life I was a community / social media manager. I found it hard to focus on my own business's social media because I was so burned out from doing social media for my other clients. But I am now working hard at building up my own social network and am happy to help answer any questions!