Brittany Domingue



Brittany Domingue

Business Name Bree's Crochet Corner
Business Website 0819
What do you make? Handmade cute crochet items for now hiar bows and baby blankets
Country United States
City, State Lafayette
Social Media Links
More About Me I am a single mom of two beautiful boys. They are ADD and ADHD so my life is far from still. I am also diagnosed with combination bipolar, one reason why i turned to my craft. Having and everyday job with a work schedule that I have to show up for and constantly trying to find someone to cover my shift is just too much. I love working from home and being able to give my kids all the attention without the extra drama. This is my main goal and where i know i will be one day.
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: My dad runs his very own successful business. I have seen how much work a dedication it takes to start a small business. I have been learning and working on my crocheting skills intensely for the past two years. Crochet is my passion.