Charlotte White



Charlotte White

Business Name Charlotte's Lab
Business Website
What do you make? Handmade skin care, body, hair & bath products. I make skin care that really works with all my favourite ingredients.
I sell at craft fairs and online (my own website, etsy and madeit).
Country Australia
City, State Shepparton, Vic.
Social Media Links
More About Me I'm a cosmetic development chemist by trade, with a BSc (Hons) in chemistry. I worked in the cosmetic industry as a cosmetic chemist, developing new products, QC testing batches, fixing wrong batches and doing all the regulatory paperwork. I was promoted until I ran the lab, but found that it wasn't for me as I felt my creative side was stifled and I was getting little joy from working 50+ hrs a week.
I have left all that behind to start my own range of handmade skin care and cosmetics, combining my loves of science and creating into a business I love.
When I'm not working, I'm usually sewing, baking or playing computer games, usually while watching TV.
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: Formulation Science
QC testing
Packing selection and testing
I'm a fast learner, so I like to do most things myself!