Elizabeth Simons



Elizabeth Simons

Business Name Constant Sunrise
Business Website http://www.ConstantSunrise.com
What do you make? I design repeat patterns for fabric, and sell handmade goods such as wine glass charms, hand made journals, stationery, cards, etc. on ConstantSunriseShop.Etsy.com.
Country United States of America
City, State Fort Collins, Colorado
Social Media Links https://instagram.com/constantsunrise
More About Me My name is Elizabeth Simons, and I work out of my home in Fort Collins, Colorado creating fabric designs as Constant Sunrise.

My current passion in fabric design is to create collections that use repetition to convey, inspire, and bring color and movement into people's lives.
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: Having obtained my BFA at Colorado State University, focusing on poetry, fiber art, and art history, I have happily found my way into the art of repeat fabric design.
E-Mail elizabeth@constantsunrise.com