Dennis Flax



Dennis Flax

Business Name FORMDEFORM
Business Website
What do you make? modern art jewelry, knitwear
Country United States
City, State Chicago, IL
Social Media Links
More About Me I ran FORMDEFORM in a hobbyist way with modest success for several years. I have since taken a multi-year break from it to pursue other paths with more focus. Turns out that I desire to get back to design, but this time, I would like to design the business better, so I am not just pouring my creative soul out without an audience who want what I have to give. And also figure out how to best serve my audience.

I have a professional background in Interior Design, specialty foods & beverages (wine, beer, liquor), psychometrics, and some light e-commerce.
Interests and hobbies range from art jewelry and design, analog synthesizers, cooking, writing prose, knitting, graphic design, running a fantasy football league (9 yrs and counting)... to God knows what else.
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: