Michelle from Atman Art Studio



Michelle from Atman Art Studio

Business Name Atman Art Studio
Business Website www.atman-art.studio.com
What do you make? I'm a professional artist who makes art in all sorts of mediums. In November 2015 I started to sell my one of a kind ink drawings online.
Country Australia
City, State Katoomba
Social Media Links These are the other places on the web to find me:
Website - http://www.atman-art-studio.com/
Subscribe to mailing list - http://eepurl.com/caN3Ev
Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/AtmanArtStudio
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/atman.art.studio/
Pinterest - https://au.pinterest.com/AtmanArtStudio/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/AtmanArtStudio
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AtmanArtStudio/
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-genders-1248b765
Google plus - https://plus.google.com/115133361772053395989/posts
More About Me Hey! My name is Michelle Genders.

My creative journey began at with a community college course in ceramics in 2002. I fell in love immediately. Soon I was going to class three nights a week.

I built up my courage and I went to art school from 2006 to 2009. I majored in jewellery while making sculpture and installation as well. I began drawing in 2012 in order to explore more immediate colour and form.

Why have I joined the Thriver circle? People describe me as tenacious. I generate a lot energy to put into creative living. I'm naturally inclined to collaborate with others. Rather than dragging others along who aren't there yet, I'd like to work with like minded people so we can grow this energy together.

Why did I start selling online? I'm interested to see how all of the low cost tools available on the internet can be used creatively. It's a new frontier outside of the traditional gallery structure that has so much potential for independence.

Since graduating from art school, I've continued making art and exhibiting it. I'm happy with what I've done. But there has always been conflict as I work in other jobs for money. Imagine if I could make money from my creative skills? There is a big world out there on the internet waiting to be put to good use. Can I find a market for my art somewhere out there in the world?
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: Drawing
Art installation
Living a creative life
Moving from concept to reality
Cheer leading
E-Mail michelle.genders.artist@gmail.com