Jennifer Johnston



Jennifer Johnston

Business Name jjj ceramics
Business Website
What do you make? I create elegant, functional, hand-crafted ceramics. My wheel-thrown and hand-built high-fired stoneware and porcelain pieces reflect my love of nature and contemporary design.
Country Australia
City, State Tintenbar, NSW
Social Media Links Instagram: @jjjceramics
More About Me I'm at the start of what I hope will be a life long ceramics and handmade business journey. I currently work 4 days a week as a Uni-based researcher but have a plan to make a change to full-time ceramics in the next couple of years (gotta have a plan!)
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: Not many, if any 😉 Looking forward to learning so much from being a part of the Thrivers Circle. Much of what I know I have learnt from Jess' podcasts, which have kept me company for the last few months as I've sat at my wheel/