Kristin Albert



Kristin Albert

Business Name KC Creative Woodworking
Business Website
What do you make? My husband and I make quality hardwood bowls, baskets, jars with lids, sea shells, puzzles, trivets, desk sets, candle holders, ornaments, chess sets, wall decorations, etc. We love the amazing transformation of a flat piece of wood turned into a useful and beautiful creation that makes people smile.
Country United States
Social Media Links Facebook - need to revamp my KC page
Instagram - just signed up on, but still learning how to use
More About Me We have had a successful woodworking business for the last four years and have mainly sold items through a gallery, friends, and family. Because of a high percentage of our profits going to the gallery and wanting to share our creations with more people, we have decided to expand with an online website which we are currently building with Renae Christine through Architect. We live in the beautiful mountains of northern Idaho and have seven wonderful children, with most grown and one remaining at home. Cory, my husband, worked for 25 years as a carpenter. I owned my own business as a full time horseshoer for 20 years. We love woodworking together and meeting new people. We look forward to learning as much as we can about online marketing and being part of a community with other creative people.
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: