



Business Name Lea Durie Ceramics
Business Website not yet
What do you make? I make functional ceramics such as planters and takeaway coffee cups and also some fun ceramics like my leggy pots
Country Australia
City, State Braidwood NSW
Social Media Links insta - @sproutmade
More About Me I am just starting out in my handmade ceramics business. I work in government as my current day job so running a business is totally new to me. I have been working with ceramics for a while now and have stated making things I am finding a market for, mostly selling wholesale for the moment. I am also studying for a BA in Visual Arts and ANU School of Art in Canberra. My business is my side hustle for the moment but my plan is to transition to more work on my business over the next couple of years and full time in 5-6 years.
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: I am a design and planning project manager and designer as my full time government job and this brings a lot of skills so relevant to business. I do budgets, procurement and tasking really well. What I am needing help with most is the marketing and selling side of things.
E-Mail hello@leadurieceramics.com