Cathy Vieraitis



Cathy Vieraitis

Business Name McKenzie Browne
Business Website
What do you make? I am a printmaker and a costumier. I am divided. Not sure if I should follow both paths or just one. I do a variety of printmaking techniques - linocut, dry point etching & silkscreening - onto paper and fabric. Sew printed fabric into cushion covers, table runners and cute skirts. I also design and sew fairy skirts; upcycle girls dresses into new fairy outfits and other costumes for kids.
Country Australia
City, State Perth, WA
Social Media Links instagram: cathy_vieraitis_art
etsy - shop is halfway to being opened - been this way for 2 years 🙁
I'm on FB personal - haven't set up business FB yet.
Have domain name for business but not created website yet
More About Me I have been known to randomly hug trees. I have a couple of cute small dogs and one cat. I really enjoy all forms of printmaking.
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: Purely my previous art experience and also WAAPA graduate in Costume (many years ago)
Business side of it - done a couple of day courses at Small Business Association in Perth.