Stephanie Lendrum



Stephanie Lendrum

Business Name Phylogeny Art
Business Website
What do you make? Eco-conscious notecards featuring my watercolors of nature and garden themes printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper
Country United States
City, State Queensbury, NY
Social Media Links
More About Me Who am I? I'm a scientist. Really. A biochemist, if you want to be specific. But please don't immediately equate that to me being anti-social! I'm quite friendly, actually, and thrive (had to) on interactions that I have with others.

What is Phylogeny? It's the scientific study of the relationships between all living things, more commonly called the "tree of life." It's also my shop name.

What inspires my art? Gardens and nature. I have whatever the opposite of a green thumb is, so my paintings (and the notecards printed from them) are my way of keeping plants alive. I opened my shop on Etsy in 2012 and have always made out well, but I know I'm ready for the next level. Being a scientist has made me cautious, though, of taking too big of a step too soon, so I've been slowly making progress in building my brand identity, starting up in social media, building a website, and (as ridiculous as it might sound) actually taking ownership of my own artwork by finally putting my face and my name to my work.
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: I've been on Etsy for quite a while, so I think the majority of my expertise would encompass that platform (listings, descriptions, tags, photos). But I also went through a major rebranding a few years ago when I transitioned to the more streamlined Phylogeny Art brand, and I'm sure I have valuable insight into that process for businesses looking to shift their brand identity and all of the lovely parts that go with that process.