Ruth Winchester



Ruth Winchester

Business Name DoodlePippin
Business Website
What do you make? I make jewellery, accessories, home wares, tableware and loads of other esoteric things out of polymer clay and precious metal clay.
Country UK
City, State Reigate, Surrey
Social Media Links
More About Me I've got a degree in Zoology (not very helpful in my current endeavour!) and I spent 15 years working as a reporter, feature writer and editor in London before leaving "proper work" to have children. I'm married to a lovely (and very patient) guy called Dave and have two boys, Tom and Charlie, who are 5 and 8.
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: I did a lot of web stuff before I left journalism so I'm fairly well acquainted with online. I've always been a writer so I find writing copy fairly easy, although I hate coming up with keywords. I played with Plasticine a lot as a child (definitely relevant to my current obsession with clay!). I'm quite good at DIY so being able to knock up shelves for my shed/ workshop has been useful... err that's about it!