Brenda Giesbrecht



Brenda Giesbrecht

Business Name Stellar Evolution Designs
Business Website
What do you make? I just adore creating handmade geekery for sci-fi fans and gory decor for fans of horror! I can incorporate multiple fanatical fandoms so folks can truly flaunt what they love!

I have best-sellers in stock, but am always open to creating something one-of-a-kind. Custom orders are my speciality, making almost anything you can dream up out of fabric, yarn or even 3D printed! (Everyone is a geek of something, and it's not always geeky, ie: veggies, trucks, tractors, bacon, wine)
Country Oh, Canada!
City, State Super duper rural town of St. Jean Baptiste, nearest large city is Winnipeg, MB.
Social Media Links Facebook:
More About Me I used to be an Equestrian Coach full time for 10 years till MS put an end to this little girl's dream in 2011. So now I've had to adapt to living a life new life with this arch nemesis and have found renewed joy in crafting for others.

Not only does my crafting biz allow me to make kick a$# gifts and practical geekery, this adjustable and adaptable crafting career allows me to continue to keep up my business and social media skills, earn income for my family and contribute to society while coping and living with the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis!

While not managing my health (basically a 23hr a day gig), I do try to live a happier, healthier life by swimming, listening to audiobooks, meditating, watching anything with Bruce Campbell in it, winter biking with my husband, horseback riding or walking my German shepherd and husky. Any activities I do participate in are done MUCH slower and with more ice packs than I was previously able to, but hey, I'm not one to give up that easily.
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: I'm always eager to learn, so never claim to be an expert level of anything, more a jack-of-all-trades...sewing, knitting, felting quilting, fabric design, graphic design, 3d modelling (though the hubby does help with the 3D printer).

I have background of helpful "real job" experience in sales and marketing, product development/photography, web and social media management and copywriting.

Being a HUGE sci-fi geek and lover of horror movies does help connect out at shows! Of course I'm open to any questions and will probably find myself asking quite a few to learn from all the awesome folks here too! Geek on!