Wendy Jasper



Wendy Jasper

Business Name Wellington Underground Market and Wendy Jasper's Art (on FB)
Business Website www.undergroundmarket.co.nz
What do you make? I have several hats on.. I run a successful weekly arts market in Wellington NZ as well as Pop up Design villages (in shipping containers) around Wellington and then I am also an artist and designer (silver jewellery, painting, screen printing, surface pattern design)
Country NZ
City, State Wellington
Social Media Links https://www.facebook.com/wendyjaspersart
More About Me I love business and I love art! My passion is to help artists to make a living from their art, and at the same time create space in my life for my own artistic pursuits.
My areas of expertise that apply to handmade business: Having run an arts market for 7 years, I have seen many businesses succeed and fail, I have learnt lots on this journey. I also see my own art/creativeness in two areas - a commercial line to sell and make money from, and my more self expressed lines (like my abstract painting) that feeds my soul.
E-Mail wendy@wellingtoncreative.co.nz